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Domain Name Monitoring

Detect trademark infringing domains fast — search for any
brand, misspelling or keyword across domains
database of 1200+ TLDs.

One-Time Search

Get a one-time report of all instances of your search term across 300M+ domain names.

  • Identify domains that include your brand, corporate name, close mispellings, or specified keywords
  • Identify who is behind infringing domain registrations
  • Research branding opportunities
  • Research competitor activities

Ongoing Monitoring

Get a daily report itemizing any newly registered domains that contain your brand or keyword.

  • Ongoing detection of new domains that use your brand, corporate name, close misspellings, or specified keywords
  • Identify who is behind infringing domain registrations
  • Act against potential threats almost in real-time
  • Track and research competitor activities

Have Questions?

Our team of experts is happy to answer any questions you might have about Webnames Domain Monitoring, our Corporate Domain Name Monitoring program, or any service we offer.

Give us a call at 1-866-976-9835 or email us.

Domain monitoring provides timely intelligence that can help protect your brands and reputation

Webnames Domain Monitoring tracks existing and new domain registrations that contain an exact or close variation of brand names, trademarks, corporate names, or other keywords, allowing you to:

Identify icon

Identify potentially infringing or fraudulent usage of brands and names

Discover icon

Discover if your brand is being used without your knowledge

Sneaky icon

Zero-in on sneaky lookalike domains that make use of similar misspellings

Registrations icon

Detect unauthorized domain registrations from within your company

Research icon

Research new branding and naming opportunities

Tracking icon

Gain competitive intelligence by tracking competitor brands

Who should use domain name monitoring?

Domain name monitoring is critically important for anyone who needs to keep a vigilant eye on brands, trademarks, corporate names or other keywords in the domain name space, including:

Lawyers & Trademark Agents

Brand Managers

Marketing & Public Relations Teams

Corporate Domain Managers

IT & Cyber Security Professionals

Protect Your Brand

To request a free Domain Monitoring trial, complete the form below. A member of our team will respond to your enquiry and help you get started.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, WHOIS data is not incorporated into the domain monitoring reports. WHOIS information can be retrieved for a given domain by entering it into our WHOIS search.

Webnames Domain Name Monitoring service actively tracks changes across more than a thousand different gTLDs and ccTLDs (also referred to as domain extensions) which collectively encompass more than 300,000,000 domain name registrations.

Domain brand monitoring covers second level domain names, or what is typically thought of as the “name” of the domain that comes to the left of the “dot” – for example, or

Domain names are stored in the domain registries in Punycode format, therefore in order to search for IDN values, please enter the domain you wish to monitor in Punycode.

Monitoring brands, trademarks and product names belonging to competitors can provide insight into their activities. Monitor a keyword or text string that matches a competitors’ brand name, trademarked term, or slogan by using the Ongoing Monitoring (Scheduled Search) option and see when domains containing the term are registered or deleted.

Knowing how a particular name, term or keyword is being used online by others is important before investing time and effort into building and growing a brand. To research a particular name, term, or keyword during the brand development process, simply run a Single Search to get a report on all of the domain registrations that currently contain it.

For some ccTLDs, including .CA, data is only updated monthly. Depending on available data feeds and spidering methods, some registered ccTLD domains may not appear in the results. Conversely, due to domains naturally expiring and/or being deleted on a daily or even hourly basis, some domain names listed in the results may actually prove to be no longer registered.

Defending your mark is important. A cease and desist letter is a good place to start. A domain registration matching or containing your mark does not necessarily mean trademark infringement is occurring. Infringement may be occurring if the domain registration is being used in a manner which is identical or confusingly similar to your trademark, and is in relation to products or services which are identical or similar to the products or services which the your registration covers.

URS: The Uniform Rapid Suspension System is a rights protection mechanism that complements the existing Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) by offering a lower-cost, faster path to relief for rights holders experiencing the most clear-cut cases of infringement. More information:

UDRP: Under this ICANN policy, most types of trademark-based domain-name disputes must be resolved by agreement, court action, or arbitration before a registrar will cancel, suspend, or transfer a domain name. Disputes alleged to arise from abusive registrations of domain names (for example, cybersquatting) may be addressed by expedited administrative proceedings that the holder of trademark rights initiates by filing a complaint with an approved dispute-resolution service provider. More information:

CDRP: CIRA’s Dispute Resolution Policy (CDRP) is a mechanism through which individuals and businesses that meet CIRA's Canadian Presence Requirements can obtain quick, out-of-court arbitrations at relatively low cost for clear-cut cases of bad faith registration of .CA domain names. More information:

WIPO: The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center provides time- and cost-efficient mechanisms to resolve internet domain name disputes, without the need for court litigation. This service includes the WIPO-initiated Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), under which the WIPO Center has processed some 44,000 cases. More information:

Litigation: If the above processes fail, litigation is also an option. The court process can be protracted however, and requires companies to present legal arguments as to why a domain registered to another party should rightfully belong to them. To do this, a company will need to prove that a domain was registered in bad faith, as well as justify why it was not registered by them in the first place as the legitimate trademark holder.

*Note that if you already have either a monthly or yearly package you cannot puchase the other.

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